3dMy KidZone
Web 3dMy.com
From sharpening skills, to "just plain fun", there's something enjoyable for "kids of all ages".


aaaMath.com - NEW

ABCKids.com - NEW

The Academy of Irving ISD

aha! Process - Dr. Ruby K. Payne

AnzaObservatory.com - NEW and AtlasOfTheUniverse.com - NEW

aPlusMath.com - NEW

Archade Town

Astronomy Education Center - Mauna Kea Hawaii

Austin ISD.org - The Austin School District Web Site

The Bakken Library and Museum Exhibits - Artifacts and DataBase

BBC Nothern Irland Schools Music Site - Fun, explore and be creative!

Bembo's Zoo

Bet.com - NEW


Build A Bear


Cartoon Network.co.uk

Cartoon Network.com

Channel One Network
- ( a community that brings together young people from around the globe to learn about and discuss everything that's on their minds...)

the Charmed Ones.com

- ( Welcome to OnlineConversion.com Convert just about anything to anything else. Over 5,000 units, and 50,000 conversions....)

CoolBuddy.com - The coolest site for jokes, games, titbits and more !


Curse of Monkey Island
- (game demo)


DEP.Disney.com - NEW - Disney Educational


Disney.go.com The Official Home Page For All Things Disney

Disney Online

dwKids.com - NEW - Shrek, Wallace & Gromit, Chicken Run and more.......

Earth and Moon Viewer - Viewing the Earth and Moon

Earth Observatory

ECOS Embark - Education and Career Opportunities System

The Educational Disc Golf Experience (E.D.G.E.) -Non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the disc golf experience into schools around the world. "The future is HERE!"

ESL - FREE - Intensive English INTERLINK Language Center - Games/learning and more!

EverythingGirl.com - NEW - The official site for Barbie, Polly Pockets, My Scene, Furryvile and Doggie Daycare.

Fred Jones.com - Tools for teaching - Discipline . Instruction . Motivation

Forces Affecting Weather

FunBrain.com - Comics, Games, Movies and more!

- Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Backgammon, Battleship, Battlezone, Boggle, Bridge, Centipede, Checkers, Chess, Chinese Checkers, Clue, Cribbage, Euchre, Gin Rummy, Gravitar, Hearts, Lunar Lander, Millipede, Missile Command, Monopoly, Scrabble, Sorry!, Space Duel, Spades, Super Breakout, Tempest, Upwords, Yahtzee.......and more!

GAMES Saras-Cooking-Class --- NEW

Games at Miniclip.com - Show Jumping and more

Games at Tapatios.com

GirlsGoGames.com…NEW - Create!!!!

Google Video

GraffitiCreator.net/ - Create, News, Forum, Legal

GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS.com - Find a World Record, Be a Record Breaker!

habbox.com - Welcome to Habbox, a dedicated Habbo Hotel UK fansite! Habbox is owned by sierk and run by properclone & 8Freak8


HotPinkGames.com - NEW

How Stuff Works - Award winning site that shows things like; how objects fly, how electricity works(light bulbs,computers,TV's,cameras,lasers,etc), and many other "way cool" devices.

Internet Public Library - Kidspace

Jack Hanna.com - Welcome to Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures

Jackson Pollock.org - Create!!!!

Jacinto Reading links

Jefferson Lab - science education

JigZone.com - NEW

Junior Links.com the ultimate Junior golf website"

Lite-Brite Create your own dot art online!

Khan Academy.org…NEW Explore!!!

KiddoNet.Com - is a TOTAL Internet environment for children (ages 3-12).

KidsCom.com - NEW


KidsDomain.com - NEW

Kung Fu Chess Play this new type of chess game online!


Learning.com -

LEGO - Adventure - Build - Education - Games - LEGOLAND

Library of Congress - Electronic Texts and Publishing Internet Resource Page

mapslive.com - Maps - NEW

Mark Kistler . com - Cool Drawing in 3-D lessons! Enjoy!

Math4Kids.com - NEW

MathPlayground.com - NEW

Meez.com - NEW

MegaBloks.com - Play, Learn and more

Merriam-Webster® OnLine - The Language Center

Michio Kaku - Explorations in Science


MSN Video

MTV.com - The coolest site!

NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration

NASA Space Flight - Real Time Data

National Fire Prevention Association - Sparky the Fire Dog

National Geographic

NatureSongs.Com - North American Bird Sounds

New Scientist.Com - For probing minds.

NightTime Sims

Orisinal - Fantastic Flash Games

Oyunlar1.com - Oyunlar1.com - NEW

Oyundemo.com - NEW

Pahoa High & Intermediate School - Official Web Site

Parachute Daffy

PBS Kids games

PepsiMundo.com - NEW

PepsiMusic.com - NEW

Pete's Games

Ping Pong - Table Tennis 3D - Miniclip.com Web Site

Ping Pong - Table Tennis 2D - Tapatios.com Web Site

Popular Science

Powers Of Ten - Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You
-View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth .......into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons. and more!

Puzzlemaker Discovery School

refdesk.com - The single best source for facts on the Net

Ringling Brothers Circus Arcade - From the "The Greatest Show On Earth!"


ScienceProject.com - NEW

Seussville Dr. Seuss - Seussville University

Sesame Workshop

S E T I - The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home

SheppardSoftware.com…NEW Explore!!!

SheppardSoftware.com/Oceaniaweb/…NEW The Islands!!!


Shedd Aquarium Explore The World's Aquarium

SkyAndTelescope.com Explore Our Interactive Sky Chart

SoundClick.com - Listen, Learn and more

Space.com - Somthing Amazing Every Day

Space Link NASA

SpikesGameZome.com - NEW

SquirrelWorks.com - Serving up the coolest web comix on earth!

Solar System The Nine Planets


TeenMusic.com - Teen Hollywood Network!

TETRIS - FreeTetris.org - NEW

TETRIS Friends - NEW

University of Virginia Library - Electronic Text Center


VeteranTutors.org -

Windsor Public Library - Welcome to Canada's Most Award-Winning Library!


YAHOO M U S I C - Welcome to Yahoo Music!

YAHOOLIGANS.com - Web guide for KIDS

Web 3dMy.com

NationalBikeRegistry.com - (Centric Media)


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